Los Angeles
Web Site Hosting




Domain Name
Registration $15.00



Web Site Hosting
Free Set-Up and Domain Name Transfer

The Price $4.95, $6.95 or $9.95 Per Month
(Annual Prepay)
www.your-name.com We can register your name or transfer it.
Unlimited E-mail And Chat Support 24Hr You can email or chat live 24 hours when you need help.
megs of web space

Load thousands of pages in this amount of space.

True pop e-mail accounts name@your-domain.com
3 gigs of transfer 20,000 hits per month easily.
Unlimited E-Mail Aliases unlimited e-mail addresses can go to 1 account.
Unlimited E-Mail Forwarding name@www.yoursite.com  = you@yahoo.com
Unlimited E-Mail Lists Majordomo
(Free) 24/7 FTP access Unlimited file transfer around the clock.
(Free) FrontPage 98/2002 We support Microsoft FrontPage Extensions
(Free) cgi-bin, PHP Run Perl scripts for guestbooks, forms etc...
(Free) 24 hr Control Panel Setup e-mail, view stats, monitor disk space...
(Free) Web Statistics # of visitors, what pages are getting traffic etc..
(Free) Search Engine Sub We'll submit your site to 6 search engines.
(Free) http Streaming Stream real audio and real video with http.
Html Editors we support (All Editors) MSFP, Adobe, Claris etc...


Price Options

12 Month Prepay $4.95 per month = 50 megs Total Yearly = $59.40
12 Month Prepay $6.95 per month = 100 megs Total Yearly = $83.40
12 Month Prepay $9.95 per month = 200 megs Total Yearly = $119.40